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Puppy Nursery

Welcome to our puppy nursery!


Due to health related difficulties, SER will not be breeding for the foreseeable future. All applications will be forwarded to friends we trust who may be having puppies in the timeframe you are interested.





Our Breeding Goals

Having been breeding for over 20 years, we have had plenty of time to learn about the breed.  We strive with every litter to have healthy, well-adjusted puppies who are a joy to have around.  We desire they will look and act like a true Havanese should, a combination of elegant, care free, silly, smart and with lots of personality that simply adores their family. We want them to fit into their new families with as much ease as possible.


We are never too experienced to learn new things and are always invested in educating ourselves about new methods and how to give the puppies new experiences that will benefit them for long after they leave our home.


ENS, Puppy Culture and socialization

From the very beginning we are working to assure your puppy has the very best start. You puppy will be born on our bed, raised in the bedroom until old enough to transfer to the living area.  We begin Early Neurological Stimulation at three days, but they get handled right from birth onward.  We then transfer our puppy training to use many of the methods in Puppy Culture, though we do feel for our situation and our puppies there are some changes that are  more beneficial to our puppies.  Always your new puppy is handled every day and always kept near us in our home.  We love our puppies and their mama's so we would never separate them from our living area.  They learn all about living in a family with new experiences every day.


Health  Testing

We believe in health testing as we want your puppy to be as healthy as possible.  Your puppy's parents will be OFA health tested for eyes, patella, cardiac as well as have DNA diversity testing, DNA disease panel, liver and kidney blood testing as well as a basic blood panel.  This is the minimum our dogs will have and many will have much more.  These are the items that currently are health issues in the breed and we want to assure they do not get 'set in', we also keep our ears open to other health issues found within the breed across the globe and add additional testing as necessary to help assure our puppies and parents are healthy.  Of course, DNA is complicated and we cannot control everything, but we do our best to assure our puppies are free from genetic health concerns.


Support for a lifetime

We will always be here for you and your puppy.  We love to keep in touch, see cute pictures and hear about their new adventures.  However, we are also here from day one to help with any questions you  may have.  We can give training suggestions, food recommendations, schedule ideas and so much more.  After being in Havanese for over 20 years, we have learned a lot, take advantage of it and let us help!  No question is too small or too big.  Most things we can solve quickly and it's always better to ask early than to wait until a bad habit has developed.


You will become part of the SER family!


Finding a Reputable Breeder

Check with your local Havanese club. Check Havanese Club of America.  This is the best way to assure you are getting your puppy from a reputable breeder who health test the parents, invests in the breed, and stands behind their puppies.


Check to assure heatlh testing is completed on the parents and listed on OFA.ORG.  Heart/Cardiac, Eyes, Patella..  They should also do blood panels to check liver and kidney function.  DNA testing and diversity testing may also be done, which gives an even greater idea of hidden diseases and give the breed the ability to breed for greater genetic diversity which is proven to provide greater health in the long term.


The breeder should have many questions to ask you to assure you are a good fit for their puppy and a Havanese in general.  They may ask about your family members, living environment, lifestyle, experience with dogs, housing, yard, work schedule, etc.  They are not being nosy, they are wanting to assure you are a good fit for their puppy.


Warning:  Some puppy mills and scammers are now asking a few questions to 'assure puppies go to a good home' however, you can tell from all interactions that the purpose is not about the puppy, but rather the SALE of a puppy.  Puppy mills are trying to appear reputable, so you will need to take time and do your research to find a reputable breeder.  It is a sad world, but puppy buyers now need to do so much research to assure their puppy is coming from a reputable place.  Choosing a breeder from an AKC sanctioned club, local or national, is the best way to assure you are working with a reputable breeder.


Not all breeders are created equal. Make sure you TALK with the person over the phone, especially before providing any money. Do video calls to see the breeder and the puppy.  This will help you determine if the breeder is someone you can work with, trust, and has the same goals for your new puppy as you do.


Any breeder who has a 'purchase now' or 'reserve now' button on the website so you can simply purchase a puppy without providing any information and without speaking with the breeder is a puppy mill.  RUN away!


DO NOT send money without personal contact via phone or video or in person.. DO NOT ship your puppy.


Go pick up your puppy in person. You should be able to meet the mom and possibly the dad. (The pandemic may alter this, but personal contact with the breeder should be provided as you pick up your puppy rather than have it shipped.) 


You may have to wait a long time to find a puppy from a reputable breeder in your area. To find one sooner you may have to be willing to travel to pick up a puppy.  Puppies travel fine in the car and also can fly at your feet in an airplane.


A reputable breeder will charge approx. $2600-3500.  Price does NOT guarantee a reputable breeder, but a lesser price will tell you they are not doing the health testing, showing their dogs, or invested in the breed on an active level.   However, some puppy mills are charging more than reputable breeders, so price does not guarantee reputable.  On the other hand, getting a 'good deal' on a puppy, in reality, is not a good deal at all. You can guarantee these puppies are not from reputable breeders.  If you don't assure your breeder does all health testing and takes time to invest in the breed to show or do performance events, you could end up with health issues, temperament issues and are propagating the breeding of unfit animals and possibly promoting animal cruelty by purchasing from a puppy mill.  


Please do your research.  Please be patient and get a puppy from an ethical/reputable breeder who is breeding for the betterment and preservation of the breed.


But I only want a Pet not a show dog

A very common statement breeders hear is that families 'only' want a pet, so they don't care about the breeder showing their dogs, health testing etc.  What you need to understand is that EVERY puppy deserves to have the very best start in life.  A breeder who shows their dogs does so to assure they are breeding to the Havanese standard, that the parent dogs are good examples of the breed and have the correct joyful temperament.  These breeders also health test the parents to help assure their puppies have the best chance at a healthy life because they come from healthy parents, not just a regular vet wellness checkup, but specific testing which must be done by veterinary specialist.  These breeders want ALL their puppeis to have wonderful, healthy lives.  Yes, a very few will become show dogs, but most will become family 'pets', and that is exactly what ALL their puppies are first and foremeost.  Even show puppies are 'pets' first and show dogs second.  They are family members.


​So, if you are looking for 'just a pet', please, take the time to assure your new family member is coming from a breeder who truly cares about the breed and is doing their best to assure the Havanese remains a healthy  little dog who is a joy to be around.  Please assure your breeder is doing health  testing including eyes, hearing, patella, cardiac, blood panels for liver and kidney.  You may also ask about thyroid testing, genetic diversity testing, testing for genetic diseases via DNA, such as CDDY/IVVD, Von Willibrands and CMR1 disease.


If you are going to invest money into purchasing your new 'pet', isn't your new pet worth assuring it comes from the very best of situations, where the parents are good examples of the breed, are health tested, and are kept as family members.  I cannot imagine purchasing a puppy from someone who isn't willing to invest in the breed and do their best to assure their puppies are healthy and well socialized. 


Don't you want your 'pet' to have parents who are treated as part of the family, are well loved and well socialized, who are well taken care of?  Don't you want your 'pets' parents to be proven healthy via specific health testing of common illnesses within the breed, so your puppy has the best chance at being healthy also?  Don't you want your 'pet' to be raised in a home environment, learning and enjoying life with specific socialization techniques to assure your puppy is well loved and socialized even before it comes to your home?  Don't you want a breeder who has invested in your puppy and is available after your puppy goes home to answer all your questions for the lifetime of your puppy?




A thought to think on as you look for your new 'pet':

If breeders aren't doing these things to help assure your puppy is the best it can be, then why are they breeding? 



Choose wisely as you search for your new 'pet' puppy, your puppy is worth finding a breeder who is investing in your new family member and not just producing puppies.  There IS a difference. ​

Our Guarantee

We  guarantee we will dedicate ourselves to keeping up with the breed and breeding practices. We will strive to preserve the Havanese as the truly wonderful breed which it is. We will dedicate ourselves to producing beautiful, healthy, happy, loving companions.


We guarantee that if your puppy is found to have a severely  life shortening congenital defect within the first year, we will replace the puppy.   Accommodations beyond this will be handled on an individual basis.  


We guarantee none of our puppies will ever need to be  in a rescue or shelter.  All of our puppies are always welcome back at our home, no questions asked.  We love our puppies and they always have a home with us.

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